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Top 20 Russian Films

Russian Original Versions With English Subtitles

For those who want to learn Russian, watching Russian movies with English subtitles is a good way to improve your language skills.

Note: We also compare Russian learning software for computers.

Instructions on how to activate English subtitles for Youtube videos are provided below.

1. Ivan V. Back to the Future

Russian Time Travel Comedy (1973)

Also known as: "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession".

Plot: A scientist in Moscow builds a time machine at home.

As a result, his neighbor Ivan ends up in the tsarist era and has to pretend that he is the tsar, while the real tsar Ivan the Terrible winds up in 1970s Moscow.

It is a film directed by Leonid Gaidai, who created several Russian comedy classics.

In Russian movie portals and also on IMDB this movie has the highest rating of all Russian movies.

Watch original version for free with English subtitles:
"Iwan V. Back to the Future" on Youtube

2. The Irony of Fate

Greatest classic among Russian films (1975)

There is hardly a greater classic among Russian films. It is broadcast every year on New Year's Eve for several decades, like a tradition.

This movie is part comedy, part drama.

Plot: A drunken Moscow resident does not realize that he flew to St. Petersburg on New Year's Eve and mistakes someone else's apartment for his own.

The film alludes to the similarity of panel buildings in all Russian cities.

Watch the original Russian version with English subtitles:
"The Irony of Fate" on Youtube

3. Sherlock Holmes

Russian TV Series (1979 - 1986)

This Russian TV series, which follows the plot from the books very closely, is considered by many to be the best Sherlock Holmes adaptation, and not only in Russia.

After the first broadcast of this TV series in England in the 1980s, Margaret Thatcher commented that it was the best Sherlock Holmes she had ever seen.

The Russian actor was even made a member of the Order of the British Empire in 2006 for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes (Wikipedia Link).

Watch the original version for free with English subtitles:
"Sherlock Holmes TV Series" on Youtube

4. Kin-Dza-Dza

Russian Science-Fiction Comedy (1984)

Plot: A Russian man and a young Georgian are suddenly transported to a desert planet that is inhabited by strange people.

The two try to find a way to get back home to Earth.

The people living on that planet have some high technologies, but at the same time are quite primitive.

Some things that are very cheap on Earth are highly valued on this planet and are among the most expensive things.

Watch Russian original version with English subtitles:
"Kin-Dza-Dza" on Youtube

17 Moments of Spring

Spies in the Second World War TV-Series (1973)

This 12-episode TV series was intentionally shot in black and white to make it look older and more authentic.

It is about a Russian spy who pretends that he is a Nazi officer in Germany in 1945.

"17 Moments of Spring" is probably the most popular of all Russian films dealing with World War II.

The plot is largely fictional, but is also partly based on real spies of that time.

Watch the original Russian version with English subtitles:
"17 Moments of Spring" on Youtube

6. Guest from the Future

Russian Time Travel TV Series for Kids (1986)

Plot: A boy in 1980s Moscow finds a time machine and travels about 100 years into the future.

From there he returns to the 1980s and is followed by a girl from the future and shape-shifting pirates.

The TV series is based on the books of the famous Russian science fiction author Kir Bulychev.

It was by far the most popular TV series for children and teenagers in Russia for a long time.

Watch the original version for free with English subtitles:
"Guest from the Future" on Youtube

7. D'Artagnan and Musketeers

Historical Adventure Film (1979)

Three-part film or miniseries with numerous songs, based on the book by Alexandre Dumas.

This film and many of the songs in it are considered absolute classics in Russia.

The role of D'Artagnan made Mikhail Boyarsky famous, who had a big career not only as an actor but also as a musician.

This film adaptation is relatively cheerful with many funny scenes - but is not a pure comedy.

Russian original version with English subtitles:
"D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" on Youtube

8. Better Than Us

Russian Science-Fiction TV Series (2018)

The first ever Russian TV series to air in the West (on Netflix).

Just like the British TV series "Humans" (2015), it is actually a remake of the Swedish TV series "Real Humans" (2012).

Plot: In the future, human-looking androids are used in households and in many professions.

This TV series is about an emotionally advanced android named Arisa, a Russian family and a shady company.

Watch Russian original version online with subtitles:
"Better Then Us" on Netflix

9. Kidnapping, Caucasian Style

Russian Comedy Classic (1967)

Also known as "Kidnapping in the Caucasus" or "Captive in the Caucasus". It is a comedy directed by Leonid Gaidai.

Plot: The title of the film refers to the traditional custom of bride kidnapping before a wedding in the Northern Caucasus.

The main character Shurik plays a central role in other comedies by Gaidai as well, just like the anti-hero trio seen on the poster.

It's a sequel of sorts to "Operation Y" (see #10 below).

Watch original version for free with English subtitles:
"Kidnapping, Caucasian Style" on Youtube

10. Operation "Y"

Russian Comedy Classic (1965)

Another incredibly popular comedy by Leonid Gaidai.

The film consists of three parts, with three independent stories.

The only thing they have in common is the main character Shurik.

Plot: The first part of the movie is about Shurik working on a construction site, the second part is about university students preparing for exams and the third part is the actual "Operation Y" with the famous anti-hero trio and the good-natured Shurik.

Watch Russian original version with English subtitles:
"Operation Y" on Youtube

11. Brother

Russian Crime and Action Movie (1997)

Probably the most famous motion picture of modern Russia - only its sequel was arguably more popular.

In this film, a young Russian named Danila after serving in the army goes to live with his brother in St. Petersburg.

There it turns out that his brother is not a businessman, but a contract killer.

Through lies, Danila becomes entangled in his brother's bloody business.

Watch original version for free with English subtitles:
"Brother" on Youtube

12. Brother 2

Russian Crime and Action Movie (2000)

The sequel to "Brother" is set first in Moscow and then in the United States.

This time Danila has to deal with the Russian-Ukrainian mafia in Chicago in the United States.

The interesting thing about this film is the Russian perspective on America, which can find both a positive and negative perspective on the country.

This was the Russian film with the highest budget at the time.

Watch Russian original version with English subtitles:
"Brother 2" on Soviet Movies Online

13. The Diamond Arm

Russian Comedy Classic (1968)

A classic comedy film from Leonid Gaidai.

It is about smugglers who, by mistake, hide diamonds in the gypsum cast of an ordinary Soviet citizen who is on vacation abroad.

As a result, a cat-and-mouse game takes place between the smugglers, the police and the Soviet citizen.

There was actually a case of real Swiss smugglers who once transported jewels in a gypsum cast to the Soviet Union.

Watch original version for free with English subtitles:
"The Diamond Arm" on Youtube

14. Red Sniper

Russian War Movie (2015)

Alternative title of this movie: "Battle for Sevastopol".

The film is about Lyudmila Pavlichenko, the most successful female sniper of all time, and closely follows the historical facts and her biographical details.

This included a visit to the USA in 1942 where she really said:

„Gentlemen, I am 25 years old and I have killed 309 fascist occupants by now. Don’t you think, gentlemen, that you have been hiding behind my back for too long?“

Russian original version with English subtitles:
"Red Sniper" on Soviet Movies Online

15. Pirates of the 20th Century

Russian Action Film (1979)

The most successful cinema film of the Soviet Union.

According to sales statistics, this action film was seen in Soviet movie theaters by more people than any other Soviet film (87 million film tickets sold).

Though nowadays the action doesn't seem that impressive, for the Soviet Union it was the first film of this kind in the early 80s.

Plot: Pirates attack and sink a Russian freighter somewhere in the South Seas.

The survivors of the ship's crew then fight back.

Watch original version for free with Russian subtitles:
"Pirates of the 20th Century" on Youtube

16. Naval Cadets, Onwards!

Historical Adventure TV-Series (1988)

Alternative titles: "Midshipmen, Onwards!" or "Gardemarines, Charge!". The Gardemarine was a rank in the Imperial Russian Navy from 1716 to 1917 (Wikipedia).

This TV series is about the adventures of several young naval cadets in 18th century Russia.

They become involved in political affairs and help the Russian Vice-Chancellor against foreign intrigues.

Nowadays, this series would probably be called "Young Adult".

Watch Russian original version with English subtitles:
"Naval Cadets, Onwards!" on Soviet Movies Online

17. The Twelve Chairs

Russian Crime Comedy (1971)

In the 1920s, two small groups search for jewels hidden in 12 very specific chairs before the Russian revolution.

Based on the famous Soviet novel of the same name by Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov from 1928.

There were also Western film adaptations of this Russian novel, including by Mel Brooks in the United States, but also in Germany and Italy/France.

This is another classic film directed by Leonid Gaidai.

Watch Russian original version with English subtitles:
"The Twelve Chairs" on Youtube

18. Formula of Love

Romantic Fantasy Comedy (1984)

This film is about Count Cagliostro, who travels to Russia and tries to invent a formula with which love or infatuation can be created.

In addition to the Count and his companions, the movie is also about the Russian family in whose house they stay.

Cagliostro was a historical figure from 18th century Italy who is widely regarded as a charlatan.

Watch original version with English subtitles:
"Formula of Love" on Soviet Movies Online

19. Salyut-7

Russian Space Movie (2017)

This modern Russian film is often compared to "Apollo 13" and can definitely measure up to Hollywood films.

Plot: The film is about the dramatic rescue of the Salyut-7 space station in 1985, which is considered one of the most significant achievements of manned spaceflight.

The film depicts the true course of the mission, but also has some fictional elements to increase the drama and suspense.

Watch Russian original version with English subtitles:
"Salyut-7" on Soviet Movies Online

20. Well, Just You Wait!

Most Popular Russian Cartoon Series (1969-1986)

"Well, Just You Wait!" or "Nu pagadi!" in Russian was by far the most popular cartoon series in the Soviet Union.

There are 16 episodes in total, made over several decades.

The plot is somewhat similar to Tom and Jerry, except here it is a wolf chasing a rabbit.

Many modern Russian music titles were used in the cartoons and all the stories take place within the Soviet Union.

Watch Russian original version with English subtitles:
"Well, Just You Wait!" (8 Episodes from 1974-1987) on Youtube

Bonus: Surreal Cartoons

Unique Cartoons from Armenia (1980s)

Lastly, it is worth mentioning the surreal Armenian cartoons from the 1980s. We assure you that you have not seen anything like this.

Here is an outstanding example from Robert Sahakyants:

How to activate English subtitles on Youtube:

Click on the "CC" icon (Subtitles/closed captions) at the bottom right of the Youtube video screen.

Some Youtube videos have several subtitle languages to choose from:

To select a subtitle languages, click on the "Settings" icon at the bottom right and then on "Subtitles/CC".

Not all videos have English subtitles — you have to specifically look for them. We have selected some of the best Russian movies for you that are available with English subtitles and linked them above.

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